En détail

· It’s the role of pedagogues to include children of different nationalities in the group, and to provide knowledge about different cultures.
· The aim is to provide practical knowledge of different nationalities. This training will provide practical tools for proposing activities involving different countries to children.
· The training covers the following topics
· Foundations of plurilingual education in Luxembourg.
·  The importance and effects of social identity on children.
·  Presentation of different countries :
· National holidays and customs typical of each country
· Traditional music and dance
· Traditional clothing
· The most useful expressions and related customs
· Local cuisine and recipes that educators can prepare with children.
· Photos of famous tourist sites.
· At the end of the course, participants will receive materials they can use in their daily activities, such as cut-outs, a coloring book, music resources and pictures.
Objectives and skills to be acquired
· Understand the foundations of children’s multilingual development in early childhood.
· Understand the importance of including a child from a foreign country in a social unit.
· Introduce educators to the importance of including parents in the multilingual education process.
· Be able to set up activities with children of different nationalities.
· The development of educational tools, taking into account different cultures and nationalities.
GUCWA Sabina


GUCWA Sabina